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Gaming Technology Can Benefit The Medical Imaging World
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Medical Imaging
Who would have imagined that gaming technology and medical imaging would one day work together? Sony’s PlayStation 3 is leading the way in the integration of developments that can enhance medical imaging technologies and patients will be the beneficiaries.
Medical imaging can be improved dramatically by gathering images from more than one source such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and then enhancing it through visual data sources. Researchers are working to maintain the pace of advancements in medical imaging technologies by enhancing them through the use of better visual representations. Aligning the visuals with the images that have been gathered help physicians make better-informed diagnoses.
With the implementation of a three-dimensional image in which millions of pixels are involved, the information gathered is then enhanced through higher quality imaging devices. As a way to curb the ever-increasing costs of technology, researchers are setting their sights on displaying the images through the technologies used by the gaming industry. The high bandwidth and the parallel architecture of the PlayStation 3 allow medical imaging to take a crucial leap forward in performance. The combination of technologies improves the overall patient experience and diagnosis.
The graphics processing units (GPUs) in gaming devices are capable of not only holding massive amount of information but the ability to program the device, the speed at which they operate, combined with their cost effectiveness, make these gaming units a wonderful complement to medical imaging devices. Harnessing the power of the GPU and programming it to process the medical imaging algorithms can be a boon to the medical industry. The software and hardware can be integrated with the technologies that many medical facilities are currently utilizing and this can make for a seamless integration and enhance the end-user experience.
While other gaming platforms may suit the medical imaging industry, it’s been found that Sony’s PS3 has a GPU that works best because of the size of its processor and compatibility. Add into that that the PS3 contains 300 million units of processing power and transistors and its graphics card, and it rises above the other gaming technologies currently available. Researchers say the algorithms that can be reproduced allow for “enhanced image quality while keeping the patient’s exposure to X-ray exposure while maintaining the integrity of the image.”