Industrial video solutions are utilized by companies in the petrochemical industry as a way to improve safety and the productivity of oil rigs in the oceans. The industrial video cameras help secure pipelines and enhance the safety at tank farms in the deserts of the Middle East as well as refineries throughout the world.

When looking for a camera-based security system for your petrochemical or pipeline production facility here are some items to look for:

  1. Software that can manage and control a large network of cameras.
  2. Technology that can manage the cameras from remote facilities.
  3. Technology that works even over low-bandwidth connections.
  4. A system that integrates both live and recorded video.
  5. A system that integrates with existing video surveillance technologies.

Because oil and gas are the literal lifeblood of every country in the world, it’s crucial that these refineries remain safe and viable and that if there is an issue on site, that the security technology is available to pinpoint the issue so that repair professionals can be dispatched.

Security cameras can also highlight sabotage, potential disasters, theft and vandalism. Because the threat of terrorism is very real and present, the oil and gas industry needs to be protected with real-time monitoring. The cameras utilized in this setting need to be chosen with care to operate in varying temperatures and environmental conditions. The camera also needs to be mounted in such a way as to be as tamper-proof as possible. Security camera solutions that offer integrated, intelligent security are ideal.

Universe Kogaku designs and manufactures optical lenses for industrial, high tech and electronic applications. We carry standard and custom lens assemblies for scanners, CCTV, CCD/CMOS, medical imaging, surveillance systems, machine vision and night vision systems.