High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
CCTV Camera Lenses Used In Wireless Security Camera Systems
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
CCTV Camera Lenses
If you live in Great Britain you are among the most watched people in the world. It’s estimated that one in every 14 individuals in Britain are recorded on average 300 times per day. From residential areas to business districts and public gathering places, surveillance devices are becoming part of the landscape if you know where to look!
Individuals understand that when they go into banking institutions, ATMs, casinos or retail stores of all sizes, there will likely be CCTV cameras recording their every movement. These CCTV security cameras record and track customer movements to prevent vandalism and theft. From CCTV cameras that appear as silver domes on the ceilings to businesses that install cluster groupings of CCTV cameras to track more densely populated areas, these cameras capture images of customer movement for later analysis in the event of a security breach. Applications for CCTVs include image capturing, bar code scanning, high-speed imaging and night-vision systems, which are useful at bank and military installations that require security monitoring around the clock.
Business owners and government officials that are looking to install these security devices need to have specific guidelines in place when speaking with CCTV camera professionals to ascertain that the camera systems will adequately suit their needs. Will you need a camera that can detect and record movement or a stationary CCTV camera that focuses on a single point, ie. above a cash register or down a high-risk aisle in a department store? Are you looking for a CCTV camera that can not only capture images but also provide perspective as to a potential suspect’s height as compared to his proximity to the counter/camera? In an area such as a parking garage or other facility that sees a lot of movement and activity you’d likely be looking for a CCTV system that not only photographs specific entry points, but that provide a high resolution image capture to allow for license plates, vehicle types and colors to be analyzed.
Because safety is crucial for both residential and business areas, CCTV camera systems are becoming more prevalent. These security cameras aren’t simply useful devices for information gathering, but they provide peace of mind while potentially helping thwart theft and other crimes.