High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Choosing Your Imaging Lens
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
CMOS lenses offer incredible functionality and integration along with power dissipation and overall system size. That being said, image quality is sacrificed, especially in low light, along with flexibility because of those factors. Typically, they are the lens technology of choice for extremely high volume applications where space may be of concern and the actual quality of the image is not as important.
Some of the most common applications for CMOS lenses are for videoconferencing on PC’s and handheld devices along with security cameras, bar code scanners, fax machines and even some automotive uses. On the other hand, CCD lenses give you the quality image you may be seeking along with the application flexibility at the expense of system size. Basically exact opposite of the typical CMOS lenses, which creates very clear application differences between the two.
Obviously CCD lenses are the choice for high-end applications such as television broadcasts or scientific and medical uses where image quality is of the upmost importance. Depending on your personal application, Universe Optics can create a custom design to fit your needs. Although many CMOS lens companies will divert their marketing pitch towards cost effectiveness, each lens itself should be fully explored to fit the specific applications in which they will be used.