High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Capturing Infrared Light
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
Infrared Light
Infrared (IR) light is characterized by the wavelength, which ranges beyond the 700nm spectrum. This wavelength has become very useful and is extensively used in everything from thermal imaging to element identification to artistic and other practical applications; a custom IR lens can provide the correct wavelength to identify certain elements in the IR spectroscopy.
Since IR light is comprised of longer wavelengths than visible light, they are used for certain applications, which require this type of advantage. Visible light in which the human eye can detect is between 400 – 700 nanometers. That wavelength determines the colors that the human eye can see and perceive. Anything past that on the spectrum is generally something in which the human eye cannot detect.
The ability to detect light based around non-visible spectrums can create numerous artistic applications such as bringing out details in a photo that would otherwise be hidden. It also can capture very crisp and detailed images allowing for the artistic nature of the IR spectrum to become visible. In order to capture this type of light it is important to remember that when using an SLR camera with a custom lens, the shutter may need to be left open for a long time in order to reach the sensor that typically blocks IR light.
For custom design lenses including custom IR lenses, contact Universe Optics for your entire custom lens and lens assembly needs.