Cardiac MRI Predicts Future Heart Failure


According to research presented at the British Cardiovascular Conference in Manchester, England, the amount a heart ‘bleeds’ following a heart attack can predict the severity of future heart failure. Over 40 percent of people who suffer from a heart attack will be affected by bleeding, or bruising in the [...]

Cardiac MRI Predicts Future Heart Failure2025-01-24T07:00:47-05:00

Finding Those Forgotten Memories


Everyone has forgotten memories.  We can’t remember the time grandpa ‘helped’ us play baseball and struck you out, or the time you lost your favorite rabbit’s foot, and never found it again. An estimated 5.4 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's disease in 2016. Of the 5.4 million [...]

Finding Those Forgotten Memories2025-01-24T07:06:53-05:00

Differentiating Skin with IR Detection


More and more biometric systems are being used for security in public places, buildings such as airports, or security-related areas like data centers. The greater the proliferation of such systems, the greater the probability of methods designed to circumvent or outwit them.  This, in turn, requires the development of [...]

Differentiating Skin with IR Detection2025-01-24T07:09:00-05:00

Prototype Cardioport Provides Imaging Capabilities


Physicians from the department of Cardiac Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School have developed prototypes of cardioports to be used during a beating heart, image guided intra cardiac surgery for pediatric patients. The successful deployment of this device will rely in minimizing the size of the [...]

Prototype Cardioport Provides Imaging Capabilities2025-01-24T07:41:30-05:00

Small Lenses Capture Large Views


It’s not the size that matters in lenses that were created by engineers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The first-ever flexible Fresnel zone plate microlenses offer a wide field of view. The development of these lenses has the potential to allow items from security cameras to surgical scopes to [...]

Small Lenses Capture Large Views2025-01-24T07:47:00-05:00

Three-Dimensional Technology is Changing Sports Medicine


Sports has long been a proving ground and frontier for more accurate and faster technology. High-priced athletes and the teams they play for need results quickly to get the superstars back onto the playing field. The same is also true for high school and college athletes to some extent. [...]

Three-Dimensional Technology is Changing Sports Medicine2025-01-24T07:49:02-05:00

How MRI can help in predicting Breast Cancer


While mammograms are widely used to detect breast cancer, the use of MRI machines can now be used to further understand the effects of high saturated fatty acids in breast tissue in post-menopausal women. Women at high risk of breast cancer often have routine MRI scans to try to [...]

How MRI can help in predicting Breast Cancer2025-01-24T07:48:48-05:00

Stationary Lens Creates Microscopic 3D Images


Diagnostic imaging and orthopedic magnetic resonance (MRI) technology plays a role in sports, and other medicine. When injured athletes are brought in, their joints are examined with traditional x-ray machines using lenses designed specifically for this purpose. In some cases, the diagnostic testing escalates to MRI machines to capture [...]

Stationary Lens Creates Microscopic 3D Images2025-01-24T08:00:32-05:00

Robotic Technologies Assist The Elderly


It may not be a reality yet, but in the future caregivers may be able to rely on robotic technology to help care for their aging parents. This would be a technology that would come in especially handy if your aging parents don’t live close by. Robotic technology can [...]

Robotic Technologies Assist The Elderly2025-01-24T08:00:10-05:00

Custom Lenses Aid In Neo-Natal Care


The medical field is seeing many advancements in early detection of several neurological conditions in newborns. Among the diagnoses are birth asphyxia, neonatal seizures, brain malformations, stroke and hydrocephalus just to name a few. The causes of said conditions can range from pre-mature birth to congenital malformations to genetic [...]

Custom Lenses Aid In Neo-Natal Care2025-01-24T08:00:16-05:00
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