Industries Served

Offshore Asset Security And Surveillance Equipment Technologies


Coastal surveillance equipment is employed as a way to provide service for vessel traffic and security surveillance. With increased amounts of coastline and territorial waters to be monitored and managed for security, safety and environmental protection, coastline surveillance systems need to incorporate real-time traffic data and have the ability to highlight [...]

Offshore Asset Security And Surveillance Equipment Technologies2020-04-28T17:56:26-04:00

Robotic Surgical Techniques ‘Fix” Sleep Apnea Symptoms


Surgeons at the Wayne State University School of Medicine have been performing transoral robotic-assisted surgery (TORS) on patients for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. The treatment for patients suffering obstructive sleep apnea remains non-surgical, but for those for whom non-surgical methods were unsuccessful, surgery is an option. Patients [...]

Robotic Surgical Techniques ‘Fix” Sleep Apnea Symptoms2023-10-26T12:41:37-04:00

Security Monitoring Without Alarming Patrons


Video surveillance systems allow the public to gather at sporting events or concerts or in other areas in which a crush of people could mean a potential for tragedy. Video surveillance can assure we can safely attend events knowing that the areas are being monitored for potential threats so [...]

Security Monitoring Without Alarming Patrons2024-01-29T12:20:29-05:00

Cataract Detection Technique Developed


A fiber optic probe that was utilized in the space program has been shown to be a valuable tool in medical settings as a way to help doctors detect cataracts. This probe is the first non-invasive way that has been found to detect cataracts – a leading cause of [...]

Cataract Detection Technique Developed2023-10-26T15:13:06-04:00

Considerations For Ophthalmic Surgical Laser Systems


The developments of laser systems for eye surgeries have shown great success in the eye surgical field. It was in the 1990s when researchers developed a femtosecond laser that was able to generate ultra-short laser pulses. Because of the robust laser sources and the shortened pulse lengths this laser [...]

Considerations For Ophthalmic Surgical Laser Systems2023-10-26T15:25:56-04:00

Cancer Treatments Benefit From Optogenetics


Researchers from Tufts University discovered that using light to control electrical signaling among cells on a frog through optogenetics could prevent tumors from forming. The process also normalized already-formed tumors. This is one of the first reported uses of optogenetics to manipulate bioelectrical signals. Optogenetics helped prevent and cause [...]

Cancer Treatments Benefit From Optogenetics2023-10-26T15:06:46-04:00

What Is Laser Machining Versus Water Cutting Technology?


Laser cutting is a technology that utilizes laser beams to cut through materials. Laser cutting can be found in industrial manufacturing applications. In recent years, the technology has become more affordable and is being used by hobbyists, in small business operations and in schools. The way laser cutting works [...]

What Is Laser Machining Versus Water Cutting Technology?2023-10-26T12:55:56-04:00

Light Sensitive Molecule Technology Advances


Researchers in Bristol, England have discovered a way to artificially mimic light sensitive molecules that could potentially enable technologies to build a light sensitive set of artificial cells. They created an “artificial mimic of rhodopsin, a protein that lives in cell membranes in the retina.” With the new technology [...]

Light Sensitive Molecule Technology Advances2023-10-26T16:23:39-04:00

Technology Makes Endoscopic Procedures Less Uncomfortable


National University of Singapore researchers have developed an endoscopic probe that can deliver adjustable-focus capabilities in a smaller, slimmer package; the design will make the procedure less uncomfortable for the patient. The endoscopic probe has a miniature, solid tunable-lens technology that allows for a compact optical zoom and autofocus. [...]

Technology Makes Endoscopic Procedures Less Uncomfortable2024-01-29T12:30:45-05:00

New Lens Improves Lithotripsy Procedures


Medical researchers and medical material engineers from Duke University have developed a process to improve the results and efficiency of lithotripsy. This is the procedure used by urologists to crush patients’ kidney stones through the use of focused shockwaves. What is lithotripsy It’s a procedure involves using shock waves [...]

New Lens Improves Lithotripsy Procedures2023-10-26T16:30:08-04:00
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