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Industries Served

MRI With Proton Beam


MR guidance is emerging as a powerful tool for real-time monitoring of radiation treatments, offering excellent soft-tissue contrast and the ability to track intra-fractional tumor motion. Hybrid devices for MR-guided photon-based radiotherapy are now in clinical use. But to date, no such combined system exists for proton therapy. [...]

MRI With Proton Beam2020-04-28T18:12:34-04:00

Automation in Grocery Stores


The advent of online shopping ushered into homes across the globe, a revolution in convenience. No longer do consumers have to travel to a store to browse items and make a purchase. Instead, the store would come to them digitally with a click of a button. In the past two [...]

Automation in Grocery Stores2020-05-03T11:58:53-04:00

Transmission Electron Microscope


TEM, or Transmission electron microscopy (also sometimes conventional transmission electron microscopy or CTEM) is a microscopy technique in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through a specimen to form an image. The specimen is most often an ultrathin section less than 100 nm thick or a suspension on a grid. An image is formed from the interaction of [...]

Transmission Electron Microscope2020-04-28T18:12:35-04:00

Machine Vision In The Food And Beverage Industry


With machine vision imaging, the food processing and beverage industry tests even hard-to-inspect products with absolute reliability. The result: 100% quality and ever-growing productivity. The need to manufacture products reliably, and without faults is more important than ever in the food, beverage and packaging industries. The pressure to achieve [...]

Machine Vision In The Food And Beverage Industry2023-10-26T10:49:56-04:00

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography


A new kind of precise and non-invasive imaging called optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) has assisted much of the recent research on the eye’s connection with Alzheimer’s. It enables physicians to see the smallest veins in the back of the eye, including the red blood cells moving through the retina.   [...]

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography2020-04-28T18:12:36-04:00

Security Scanning Program CLEAR


Two decades ago, going through airport security was a simple process. You simply got into “the” line, put your stuff through the x-ray machine, and walked through the metal detector. Today, the process is much more complex, with as many as four different security lines at some airports, various levels of [...]

Security Scanning Program CLEAR2020-04-28T18:12:36-04:00

Four Types of Barcode Scanners


Barcode scanners are extremely simple devices that can read and output printed barcodes to a computer. Like a flatbed scanner, it consists of a light source, a lens and a light sensor translating optical impulses into electrical ones. Additionally, nearly all barcode readers contain decoder circuitry analyzing the bar code’s image data provided by the sensor [...]

Four Types of Barcode Scanners2020-05-03T11:58:49-04:00

License Plate Readers


The use of license plate readers is increasing in popularity with police and other law enforcement agencies to find stolen cars and catch up with people with expired licenses or active warrants. And when they’re not piggybacking on police cruisers, plate readers are often affixed to utility poles or freeway [...]

License Plate Readers2020-04-28T18:12:36-04:00

M12 Lenses


M12 Lenses, also referred to as S-Mount Lenses or Micro-Video Lenses, are board lenses used to focus an image onto a camera sensor. They are used in a variety of applications including automotive, forensics, pharmaceutical, and food inspection. These S-Mount Lenses are compact imaging lenses designed for use with many [...]

M12 Lenses2020-04-28T18:12:36-04:00
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