
Robotics In Manufacturing


From the grocery store to the factory floor, once common jobs have become tasks done through robotic technology. The ability to automate work and use artificial intelligence to augment everyday tasks is ever growing, and the nature of change in the workforce is accelerating as robotics in manufacturing, the [...]

Robotics In Manufacturing2023-10-26T12:42:57-04:00

6 Ways Unmanned Drones Can Help Law Enforcement Fight Crime


Patrolling high-crime areas in major cities is costly and dangerous. Therefore, it is easy to understand why the use of unmanned drones can help law enforcement fight crime.  This method is a topic of discussion in law enforcement departments nationwide. Police departments can now deploy drones to improve their [...]

6 Ways Unmanned Drones Can Help Law Enforcement Fight Crime2024-05-30T18:40:08-04:00

Underwater Optical Imaging


Obtaining satisfactory visibility with underwater optical imaging has been historically difficult due to the absorptive and scattering properties of seawater. However, recent advancements in hardware, software, and algorithmic methods have led to noticeable improvement in system operational range. […]

Underwater Optical Imaging2023-10-26T12:53:19-04:00

Using Satellite Imagery to Target Vaccine Campaigns


Satellite images that capture short-term changes in population size in communities in developing countries could help vaccination campaigns achieve more complete coverage and aid in preventing disease outbreaks. Vaccination campaigns supplement routine immunization but often fail to achieve coverage goals due to uncertainty about target population size and distribution. [...]

Using Satellite Imagery to Target Vaccine Campaigns2024-01-29T12:40:24-05:00

Poultry Inspection and Automation


Georgia Institute of Technology researchers believe they're on the edge of a breakthrough, but they don't want to count their chickens before they are, well, processed. In Carrollton, Georgia, at Gold Kist’s poultry processing plant, a machine vision system that was developed by GTRI is undergoing field testing.  Researchers [...]

Poultry Inspection and Automation2023-10-26T12:34:03-04:00

Automation in Agriculture


For centuries, farming was an intuitive process. Today, it’s networked, analytical, and data-driven. Large farms (1,000 acres or more) started the trend, adopting the tools of precision agriculture—using GPS-guided tractors, drones, and computer modeling to customize how each inch of land is farmed. Farm managers can measure and map things [...]

Automation in Agriculture2020-10-28T08:40:44-04:00

Infrared Lenses Aid In Scans


Just because a mystery is 4500 years old doesn’t mean it can’t be solved...” This could be the motto of the exceptional scientific mission launched October 25, 2015, under the authority of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, initiated, designed and coordinated by the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo and [...]

Infrared Lenses Aid In Scans2023-10-26T12:44:04-04:00

Robotics In The Dairy Industry


As the demand for more automation increases, we are seeing it played out in more industries on a global scale. Precision dairy farming, which includes the use of automated milking and computerized systems to milk or feed dairy cattle, has been increasing steadily in the dairy industry in recent [...]

Robotics In The Dairy Industry2023-10-26T12:43:08-04:00

Laser Detects Damage To Military Assets


Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have demonstrated for the first time that they can discover cracks in the ship’s structure by detecting acoustic emission from cracks in riveted lap joints. Optical Sciences Division, in collaboration with the laboratory’s Material Science Division, used a distributed feedback fiber laser-acoustic emission sensor [...]

Laser Detects Damage To Military Assets2023-10-26T16:17:13-04:00
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