
Cone-beam Imaging Scanners


Cone-beam imaging CT (CBCT) scanners offer the advantages of being compact in size, less costly, and more portable than multidetector CT systems. Image quality, however, is often impacted by artifacts such as streaking or shading, associated with cone-beam effects and/or nonuniformity in image quality near the ends of the field-of-view [...]

Cone-beam Imaging Scanners2020-04-28T18:13:21-04:00

Surgical Precision Lenses


With the advancements in surgical procedures, more operating rooms are performing ‘minimally invasive’ surgeries. What that means is, instead of operating on patients through large incisions, miniaturized surgical instruments are being used to fit through small, sometimes as small as quarter-inch, incisions.  The surgical precision lenses in these instruments contain [...]

Surgical Precision Lenses2020-04-28T18:13:23-04:00

Robotic Service Pets – The Future Is Closer Than You Think


How far off is the technology for robotic service pets to replace their breathing counterparts?  The future is closer than you think. The most likely way for that to happen with technology is through machine learning. In the past, people have built AI systems by programming machines to respond to [...]

Robotic Service Pets – The Future Is Closer Than You Think2024-01-29T12:09:24-05:00
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