High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
CCD/CMOS Lens Assemblies For Barcode Scanning
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
Most people don’t think about barcode scanners very much but they are a part of so many business systems that nearly everyone interacts with a barcode scanning system. Barcode scanners are rather complicated pieces of equipment, but the most important part of these complex systems is the CCD/CMOS lens assemblies. CCD and CMOS are two different types of digital lenses that are useful for barcode scanning. Without the proper lens, the barcode system would not function properly. Every time a barcode scanner misreads or does not read a products barcode it slows efficiency and costs money by forcing the employee to manually enter the information. From stock solutions to highly custom lens assemblies, Universe Optics has been delivering quality optics for thousands of customers, and the engineers can adapt existing models by customizing them, or develop a completely custom lens assembly to provide the most efficient barcode scanning system for your needs.
Universe Optics is a custom manufacturer of CCD/CMOS lens assemblies that are built for real world uses. universeoptics.com approaches each project with a comprehensive and thorough review. In order to have a system that works properly for a particular use, Universe Optics is able to produce a completely custom barcode scanning lens assembly that will fit your needs perfectly. In addition to stationary barcode scanning systems, Universe’s custom lenses are perfect for hand-held image scanners, full-page image scanners, film scanners, OCR systems, bill counters and more.
Universe Optics is a worldwide leader in optical lens solutions for many industries that require customized, top grade quality lens assemblies for many different uses. These include medical, scientific, automotive and military uses – and barcode scanners. No matter what field you are in, if you need a new barcode xcanner system Universe Optics will provide the quality lenses you need.
The design philosophy extends beyond the lens itself. Universe Optics works with the rest of your team during the design phase of the project to make sure that all compatibility issues have been addressed. We understand the intricacies of mechanical and electrical design and operational requirements, and this is all factored into the final design.
Find out why Universe Optics can make the perfect lens for you by emailing info@universeoptics.com or call 516.624.2444.