High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Choosing The Right Lens For Your CCTV Surveillance Technology

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

CCTV Surveillance Technology

CCTV Surveillance Technology

When it comes to installing surveillance equipment in your home, business or parking garage facility, choosing the right camera involves making decisions on the lens as well as the camera and the location in which it will be installed. Deciding on the best lens for your particular situation could be one of the most difficult (and confusing) decisions you undertake when shopping for the equipment.

With every CCTV security camera, there are advantages and disadvantages to different types of equipment. If you need to capture a wide area, such as in a parking facility, you may need to give up clarity in the picture in order to capture images at a distance. Even with a high-resolution camera, depending on the lighting and the camera lens strength, the images captured may not have the sharp detail you’re seeking. Keep in mind, the higher the DVR resolution and the higher the frames per second, the higher quality the footage will be.

Here is some information on various types of equipment used in CCTV surveillance technology:

  • The PTZ camera is a tilt camera with a zoom that is a piece of equipment that allows you to both zoom into a specific area but to also pan the area. The pan-tilt-zoom camera is also able to be operated remotely and can be equipped with an auto tracking feature that will zoom in on objects automatically.
  • Varifocal lenses are also helpful in a video surveillance setting as they can both zoom in and focus on a specific area. The process is performed manually much like operating a DSLR camera. With this type of lens you can zoom in on an area but you may lose horizontal focal coverage. If varifocal lenses are what you’re seeking, you may want to invest in multiple cameras and install them at various locations.
  • The image sensor size you choose will impact the type of view you receive. Remember, the larger the image sensor, the wider the view. Larger sensors will also capture more light, which can make your images better.
  • A right angle lens, which is a C-mount lens is unique in that is uses a prism for right angle bending; this is a step up from the less expensive front surface mirror-type lenses on the market. Right angle lenses may allow you to capture more detailed information from your machine vision application technology or in your CCTV surveillance equipment.

Universe Optics provides lens design and optical lenses for industrial, medical, high tech and electronic applications.