The developments of laser systems for eye surgeries have shown great success in the eye surgical field. It was in the 1990s when researchers developed a femtosecond laser that was able to generate ultra-short laser pulses. Because of the robust laser sources and the shortened pulse lengths this laser replaced the mode-locked dye lasers which had been the most-used devices.

With the advent of new laser media, doped optical fibers and high power diode lasers, photonics manufacturers have been developing smaller, more robust technologies. The lasers are also more efficient than their predecessors. The femtosecond laser is proving beneficial in cataract surgeries because it lets the surgeon perform the ultra-precise incisions in the ocular tissue.

Other uses for the femtosecond laser include:

  1. Relaxing incisions in the correction of corneal astigmatism
  2. Creating a corneal flap as part of a LASIK procedure
  3. More precise peripheral incisions in the cornea to provide access to the interior of the eye – in cataract surgery
  4. Removal of lens tissue from the eye
  5. Micro-structuring of the eye lens tissue to restore its elasticity

With the femtosecond laser, a cut is created which separates the ocular tissue layers, leaving behind a “bubble that is a few micrometers” in size. The highly accurate positioning of the laser allows for micrometer precise operations.

To use the device, the ophthalmologist will seek one that is an ergonomic fit to offer him or her an even higher level of precision in the surgical setting. Patients are the beneficiaries in the advances in technology in laser devices for eye surgeries as they are offered a higher level of treatment that may promise better outcomes. With the use of laser lens technology in eye surgeries, the patient also has less “downtime” and recovery because the laser cauterizes as it operates and this helps aid in healing and recovery.

Universe Kogaku designs and manufactures optical lenses for medical, industrial, high tech and electronic applications. Standard and custom lens assemblies are also available for scanners, CCTV, CCD/CMOS, medical imaging, surveillance systems, machine vision and night vision systems.  Universe Kogaku’s lens application engineers provide your optimal lens solution.