Endocrine surgery involves the doctor operating on the patient’s glandular system including the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pancreas. The diseases in these organs range from goiter to thyroid and pancreatic cancer to complex issues such as Conn’s Syndrome, Cushing’s Disease and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome.

Cutting edge techniques involve minimally invasive procedures for patients suffering endocrine conditions. Issues with the thyroid impact both men and women, however the effects of the disorder are different. At its most basic, patients suffer hypothyroidism, which causes lethargy and depression and makes the patient feel weak. Hyperthyroidism can lead to muscle wasting and weakness and can upset the balance in testosterone and estradiol. Thyroid cancer is rare, but if a patient has nodules in the thyroid gland it is most likely found in men. Your physician can check your thyroid levels (TSH) through a blood test.

Women are more likely to suffer hypothyroidism and with this they experience weight gain. Because women are more likely to internalize stress, this impacts their brain, adrenal and thyroid function and can lead to cravings for sweets and carbs.

If you’re suffering thyroid problems and your doctor recommends surgery, he will likely apply endoscopic visualization to the surgery to operate through smaller and less visible incisions. Generally, endoscopic techniques minimize the extent of surgical dissection, reduce hospital stays and postoperative pain.

The feasibility of endoscopic surgery for thyroid issues using robotic technology was given a boost in recent years. The robotic technology for thyroid surgical procedures is costly and the operating time can be long. In recent years, however, more specialized surgical centers have been adapting to robotic technologies for surgical procedures for patients suffering thyroid issues.

Advantages of the robotic endoscope are the three-dimensional views the device provides the surgeon and the flexibility of the robotic instruments. In fact, a new procedure involves making a small incision under the arm to perform a thyroidectomy and this is a minimally invasive procedure. Prior to this, the surgery left a scar on the patient’s neck.

The procedure and device have been approved by the FDA and have been proven to be a safe procedure as long as the surgeon has undergone special training and has experience with the robotic technologies.

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