High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Diagnostic Imaging Enhances Medical Treatments

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Physicians and surgeons utilize diagnostic imaging to capture images of internal organs and bones in the human body. The images captured by the technicians allow doctors to not only diagnose illnesses such as heart or artery issues and caner, but it can also capture abnormalities in the body structure itself. There are various fields of diagnostic imaging and they are: Nuclear emission imaging, reflection or transmission. The type of image captured depends on the medical equipment utilized during the test.

Transmission imaging includes x-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans. To take an x-ray, an electromagnetic beam is passed through the body. The x-ray causes the bones to show as white and muscles are captured as gray images. Other organs and tissues show up as dark spaces within the cavities.

CT scans use x-rays to show slices of data and cross sections of the human body. Data captured in a CT scan shows a more detailed image than does an x-ray. Physicians order CTs to diagnose tumors, abnormalities on internal organs and brain injuries. With a CT the reflection image is captured when high frequency sound waves are sent into the body. The sound waves, which bounce off organs and tissues at varying speeds based on the tissue density, are captured on a computer screen and are transformed into a visual image.

Reflection imaging, also known as sonography or ultrasound imaging is a well-known and much-used technology and is utilized to view a fetus or for the detection of tumors or to determine whether there are blood flow obstructions in the internal organs.

Nuclear emission imaging is performed through the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology. In this diagnostic test, the protons in the body’s water molecules are magnetized and the resulting image is a high contrast one projects an image of soft tissues and organs. Blood flow and heart issues are typically highlighted through the use of an MRI. Another use for nuclear emission imaging is an emission tomography (PET) scans. In this type of x-ray the patient is injected with a small amount of radioactive material. The material metabolizes and emits gamma rays, which are then picked up by the PET scan. The image is detected and the data converted into a computer image that the technician can use for diagnostic purposes.

Universe works with medical providers to manufacture standard and custom lens assemblies for medical imaging and diagnostic cameras.