High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Tunable Diode Lasers Detect Environmental Issues
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
Diode Lasers
Civilization has made strides based on technologies invented. Scientific discoveries make overall living convenient and healthier. A technology that has been recently introduced is something called a Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy; this device is used by scientists to detect environmental elements such as: harsh gases, pressure changes, sound waves and even temperature fluctuations.
Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy sensor technology can be found in CD players as it helps the device translate the sound waves the CD is emitting into music. In addition to CD frequencies, the technology helps radiate radio frequency and allows sound waves to travel; this allows individuals to listen to the radio from a distance.
In scientific settings the device assists researchers and environmental specialists in gathering, producing, and analyzing data about the environment. This can lead to important steps when addressing environmental issues. The device is able to produce measurements based on the absorption spectroscopy; this means the laser within the device is absorbed while it travels through the gaseous space being measured. The Tunable Diode Laser is a sensitive instrument and its readings could be disrupted by other variants in the environment.
The Tunable Diode Laser can accommodate and adapt to characteristics and changes in the elements being examined. When it adapts, it accounts for pressure, maximum flux, temperature changes, sound and light waves, and changes the data to provide accurate readings. The benefits and advantages of Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy continue to make strides in the consumer and scientific markets.