High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Diode Lasers Detect Threats
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
Diode Lasers Lenses
What’s the best way to detect a dangerous explosive device? Metal detectors and K9 units have always been a couple of the most widely used techniques. Because a lot of explosive devices are not made of metal, metal detectors are useless in finding them. These devices are very difficult to discover because they are often hidden very well in unsuspecting places. A new diode laser detections device might be the answer.
Researchers have developed a new way to detect explosives possibly hundreds of feet away. Michigan State researchers developed this diode laser detection device which is no more powerful than the everyday laser pointer. These laser devices were originally intended for microscopes but they have been found very valuable in detection from a safe distance.
These sophisticated diode laser lenses are able to detect different molecules in the air. Each molecule in the air gives off a different reaction by the laser. These laser detectors are able to distinguish explosive material molecules from everyday molecules in the air. This gives us the ability to scan our surroundings and detect dangerous particles in a safer setting.