High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
High Speed Cameras Use CMOS Sensors
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
In today’s technology driven word, most high-speed cameras use CMOS sensors as their lens of choice. One of the main reasons most users are changing from the traditional CCD lens technology is based around the cost factors; CMOS is cheaper than CCD in most cases. Because of the fabrication of both technology and the supported circuitry incorporated into the sensor, CMOS has taken the lead in the price category.
Noise has also been a factor when choosing between CMOS lenses and CCD technology. The lower power consumptions of CMOS technology now bring them into full light compared to their opponents. Of course, there are many specialized cameras that continue to use CCD lens technology but as things progress in the lens category, and CMOS lenses overcome many of the obstacles that they once carried, the ability to use them in multiple applications grows.
Universe Optics has a full range of CCD and CMOS lenses available for your specific applications. With the ability for fully customization based around your needs, Universe can create the exact specifications you need. From conception to prototype to development, Universe Optics can fulfill your custom lens design needs. For more information visit our website or call.