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Should You Install An Infrared CCTV Security Camera?
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It doesn’t matter if you’re a homeowner or a business owner, security is typically of utmost importance. You can enhance the security around your home, office building, parking lot or garage or your warehouse through the installation of a security camera. Law enforcement professionals also understand the need for security cameras in shopping centers, hospitals, subways and railways, airports and other areas in which crowds gather.
Installing a security camera, especially a CCTV camera with infrared technologies not only enhances security but allows a way for law enforcement officials to track, identify and apprehend vandals and other criminals. The videos recorded are also admissible in court as evidence. Security cameras are less expensive than they were in the past and are now self-contained and able to be disguised.
The strides in enhanced security include the use of infrared light and night vision cameras. Because many crimes occur at night, having infrared or night vision capable camera technology is necessary. Intelligence-grade CCTV cameras are typically what night vision cameras are. The basic technologies of these cameras are that they can work even when the ambient light is missing. This type of camera uses an infrared light source to illuminate the darkness to a level that’s not detectable to the human eye which means the potential perpetrator won’t notice it either. A quality infrared camera can “light up” an area with about a 100 foot radius.
Thermal energy cameras are also available for security purposes; these cameras are more expensive than infrared varieties but they are more useful in other aspects. These cameras detect heat and convert that heat to an outline of an image. With a thermal imaging camera there is no need for a light source as a human body will emit heat regardless of the ambient surroundings; this makes “sneaking past” a security camera impossible. The most prevalent use of a thermal energy camera is in areas in which the monitoring of temperature is crucial to the items being stored or equipment being operated. While a thermal imaging camera may be able to detect items without the use of any infrared light they are unable to capture facial images.
When considering the purchase of a CCTV security camera, you need to understand the purpose, type of information you’re hoping to capture, the location in which it will be placed and the budget for the purchase.