High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Laser Diode Dental Technology
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
Laser Diode
When it comes to medicine, physicians and dentists need to stay ahead of the game and keep their practice and treatments as current as possible. One way that doctors and dentists are doing that is by utilizing the latest technologies and one of those technologies is laser diode treatments. The benefit of a dental laser diode to a dental practice is that it provides comfort for the patient and offers ease and skill upgrades for the dentist.
As with most new technologies, dentists typically ease the patients into the new machinery and choose a procedure or two on which to implement its use. As there are many types of laser diode technologies available, dentists need to determine which technology is best for their practice and which procedures they believe would benefit from its use. In many instances, training and certification is required on the proper and safe use of the laser diode technologies with patients.
Some of the items to take into consideration before making a decision on a laser diode, as there are at least three different laser strengths and types of tools available, for your practice are:
- Do you perform more traditional or cosmetic dental procedures?
- Will the laser treatment require the use of anesthesia?
- Do you do some procedures now using anesthesia that a laser diode would enable you to perform without the use of anesthesia?
- How much training will you and your staff need?
- Will you be able to perform procedures with the laser diode that you were unable to with traditional methods?
- How open are your patients to being the subjects of new technologies?
- Will the use of this technology be quicker than traditional methods or will you need to schedule longer visits for your patients?
- What will be the return on your investment and how long will it take you to reach that point?
Be aware that some of your patients might simply refuse to participate or be subjected to the laser technology and you need to help them make an informed decision. The technology itself though is moving procedures ahead by leaps and bounds in many dental practices.