High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Laser Surface Inspection Systems

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Lasers are used for many different purposes today and we are only beginning to touch the possibilities they could have. We used them for measurement, motion sensory, surgery, missile defense, printers, and much more. One unique way we use laser technology is with surface inspection. This has proven to be very accurate and helpful in many areas including the construction field.

Laser surface inspection is the process of actually mapping out an area using numerous laser beams. These beams are able to detect every detail of the surface including its size, height, depths, and any variations of high spots and low spots. These lasers detect and map out an exact replica of the surface and send the results to a computer screen that gives a construction team every detail about the surface.

This technology has proven to be exceptionally useful in road construction. When building a new road or highway the company needs to know every measurement of the land in order to accurately estimate the amount of material that is needed to complete the project. Laser surface inspection is able to give them these answers with great accuracy. We also see laser surface inspection systems in the automotive industry. When a vehicle is assembled all of the parts involved must be of exact specifications in order to fit properly and ensure quality performance and reliability. Laser inspection systems can create a 3-dimentianal model of each part and use a CAD (computer aided design) to produce the part to exact specifications. This ensures each part is the same which makes it much more reliable and reduces the risk of any defects.

Laser technology has made a lot of things possible for us today and will continue to do so as technology advances. Here at Universe Kogaku we offer some the very best diode laser lenses available. We can help you with just about any laser application you need with our quality custom lenses. Check us out at universeoptics.com today. .

Please contact Universe for drawings, full performance data, and pricing.  All  are available from stock for immediate delivery.