High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Machine Vision Used Toothpaste Tube Inspection

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Machine vision has become a very important aspect in factory product inspection. The utilization of machine vision has given manufacturers the ability to ensure a quality product every time by eliminating human error. This sophisticated imaging system works with incredible speed and precision in order to produce the product faster and more accurately.

A firm in Germany has found machine vision to be very useful in ensuring quality and cleanliness in toothpaste tubes. Without the use of machine vision and the quality CCD, CMOS, or CCTV lenses it can be very difficult to ensure that the toothpaste tubes that hold the toothpaste are free of any dirt particles that could be floating around in the factory. Machine vision gives some reassurance to the manufacturer and the consumer that each toothpaste tube is free of dirt particles and contaminants.

The German firm uses a very precise machine vision system that utilizes special lens assemblies to check every toothpaste tube before the packing process to ensure each tube is round and free of any dirt particles. This not only gives the consumer a better piece of mind but also makes sure the firm ship products that are safer and more reliable.

Machine vision systems are vital to any manufacturing inspection and especially useful in products that are to be ingested or used on the human body. With these quality lens assemblies manufacturers are able to ensure each product is clean and safe for the consumer to use. The CCD, CMOS, and CCTV lenses used in these machine vision systems make the whole system possible. Universe Kogaku is a leading manufacturer of these lens assemblies. These lens assemblies are perfect for numerous applications such as barcode scanning, medical systems, machine vision, relay systems, hi-speed imaging, robot vision, and much more.