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Medical Imaging Technology Can Help Save Lives And Lower Medical Costs
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Medical Imaging Technology
For many patients, physicians find that medical imaging examinations are linked to enhanced life expectancy and declines in mortality rates in cancer patients. These exams are typically less expensive and health insurance providers are more likely to approve medical imaging exams than invasive medical procedures.
In recent years, physicians and radiologists have been working to reduce the amount of radiation to which patients are exposed during the procedures. Toward this end, the risks of exposure to radiation is theoretically less than a more invasive procedure and less than in decades past.
It was a German physicist that discovered x-ray technology close to 120 years ago. Advances in the technology have branched out into magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans and these tests have revolutionized medical treatments by virtually eliminating the need for exploratory surgeries, reducing hospital stays and reducing overall medical costs.
The National Bureau of Economic Research found that having access to medical imaging is directly linked to greater life expectancy. The death rates from diseases such as breast or other cancer or other serious illnesses have been on the decline due in large part to the early diagnosis and treatment plans that have been made possible through access to medical imaging and x-rays.
Many doctors believe that a scan is one of the most cost effective and efficient diagnostic treatment tools available in modern medicine. The aging population, which is putting an increased demand on medical technologies, is cost effective as well; reports show that “Medicare spending on imaging scans has not increased since 2003.” Additionally, the New England Journal of Medicine recently wrote that medical imaging and radiation therapy are the top ten medical advances in the last 1,000 years.