High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Microscopes Are Going Digital
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
Digital microscopes are those that work without an eyepiece. These microscopes rely on a sensor to magnify the view of the specimen and then display it on a computer monitor.
A digital microscope incorporates many of the same features as a traditional microscope but also adds on a feature of a digital CCD camera. The CCD (charge coupled device) is a technology in which a sensor records images of animal tissue, plant life or other objects under a slide. The images are projected onto a monitor through the use of the computer’s USB port and the image can also be stored on the computer for use as reference.
The technology behind a digital microscope is that it takes transmitted light, fluorescence and phase content which allows it to observe the specimen. Magnification selection can range from 25x up to 1,000x of the original size of the object. On-screen magnification is dependent upon the size of the monitor. Traditional microscopes’ magnification is determined by multiplying the “magnification capacity of the objective lens by the magnification capacity of the eye piece.”
Digital microscopes have been found to offer the clearest image visibility and through the use of a separate monitor rather than the eyepiece, more than one person can view the specimens at a time. A digital microscope is an ideal tool for both research and educational purposes. These devices are also ideal for travel and work in the field, as they are lightweight and portable. If there is no computer available, many digital microscopes have the capacity to insert a USB and record and save the images for later downloading to the computer.
While digital microscopes are ideal in research and scientific settings, they are also useful for hobbyists such as coin or stamp collectors. Coin collectors can slip the coin under the slide and study the coin. Documents and bank notes can also be magnified and studied. Any object that could be examined under a traditional microscope can also be used with the digital technology.
The style and requirements for a digital microscope vary by profession and need. Universe Optics can customize a solution for your specifications.