High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

How Mobile Barcode Scanning Has Changed The Way We Shop

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Barcode scanners and barcode scanning lenses have been around for a while and have changed the way we shop, stock, and ship. Barcode scanning has made it much easier for people to detect and store information and we’ve seen the evolution of barcode scanners take shape. Normally when we think of barcode scanners we think of someone ringing up our total at the grocery store or at the mall but these devices have been serving a much broader purpose.

Today most mobile phones come with a camera lens that’s capable of taking digital photos in great clarity and shooting video in high definition. These camera lenses are also capable of scanning barcodes. By just pointing the camera at a barcode on a product we are able to get tons of information right to our phones. We can see what the product is, how much it costs, and even where it’s made. This technology has certainly changed the way we shop today. With the adaptation of barcode scanning lenses in mobile devices we are able to all the information we need about a product wherever we are. If you spot a new product you’re just dying to have you can simply scan the products’ barcode and get the price. You can also get information that shows you where you can get the best deal on that product. It’s truly amazing how useful these scanners can be to the everyday consumer. Mobile barcode scanners not only scan the everyday barcode but also the QR code. The QR code or Quick Response code is very popular with cell phone scanners today and we see them everywhere from business cards to websites to billboards. This has been a very popular way for businesses to get their word out because when people see a QR code they instantly want to scan it on their phones.

Barcode scanning lenses have really evolved to be a very useful tool to the everyday person whether it is with shopping or with curiosity and research. There’s no doubt that handheld scanners aren’t just for the grocery store checkout person anymore.