Medical researchers and medical material engineers from Duke University have developed a process to improve the results and efficiency of lithotripsy. This is the procedure used by urologists to crush patients’ kidney stones through the use of focused shockwaves.

What is lithotripsy

It’s a procedure involves using shock waves to break up problematic kidney stones into smaller pieces. Once broken up, it is anticipated that the patient will then be able to eliminate the stones through urination. It is a nonsurgical, non-invasive procedure.

Developing technologies

In recent years, lithotripter manufacturers have incorporated many changes into the machines that deliver the lithotripsy procedures. In many cases, the machines have increased power and have more narrowly focused the shock wave’s focal width. This has been done to minimize any damage to surrounding tissues.

The team at Duke determined they needed to cut a groove near the “perimeter of the backside of the lens and change its geometry.” Once this was accomplished, it realigned the focal point of the device and lead to optimized pressure distribution. It also brought along a broader focal width at lower peak pressures.

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