High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Power Steering Assisted By Vision Systems

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Autofocus cameras speed the manufacturing and assembly of automotive electric power steering systems.

If you’re a boomer, you probably drove a car that didn’t have power steering. You may recall how difficult it was to turn the wheel to steer your car in the direction you wanted it to head. Along came power steering systems that require drivers to employ only a modest amount of effort to steer. These systems utilize electronically-controlled power packs to add a specific amount of torque to the rack and pinion system. When producing these power pack assemblies are produced they are tracked by a 2D data matrix code reader and inspected by a vision system to ensure that the components have been have been fitted correctly.

Production of the power pack assemblies involves several key manufacturing stages.

  1. A pulley is press fit to the shaft of a servo motor to enable the unit to be mechanically connected to the rack and pinion system at a later stage.
  2. A multi-pole ring magnet is fitted to the shaft.
  3. An electronic control unit (ECU) is attached to the motor and the connections between the control unit and the motor spot welded together.
  4. After programming and testing, a sealing cap is placed on the motor to protect the unit from unwanted material entering the system.
  5. A label is printed and applied to the motor and the data printed on it verified.

This process utilizes auto-focus cameras to speed up the manufacturing and assembly of automotive electric power steering systems. The auto-focus cameras are equipped with vision lenses to provide accurate placement of key components.

Universe Optics is a manufacturer of custom and standard lenses for machine vision systems. As well as robotic lens applications, lens assemblies for scanners, CCTV, CCD/CMOS, medical imaging, surveillance systems, and night vision systems. Contact our application engineers for custom lens solutions. We’ll assist you with all of your design considerations from machine vision to lens assemblies and overall design specifications to budgets and timetables.