It may not be a reality yet, but in the future caregivers may be able to rely on robotic technology to help care for their aging parents. This would be a technology that would come in especially handy if your aging parents don’t live close by.

Robotic technology can assist humans and provide peace of mind to families. One of the biggest ways that robotic technology is helping families and the elderly currently is through assistive technologies that help lift patients from a bed into a chair, for example.

There is robotic technology that can determine when an individual is lifting or holding a heavy object and can send a signal to a motor on a robotic back support device that will help raise the wearer’s upper body while pushing on their thighs and this results in less stress on the user’s lower back. The robot mimics human motion even while the wearer is hiking up a mountain or being used during construction or disaster relief efforts.

In Japan, assist robots have been used for close to two decades in elderly care facilities. The device enhances the quality of life for both the elderly and those in the caregiving role –typically the nursing staff. Moving a patient from a bed to a bathroom or a chair can strain and has the potential to cause injury to the caregiver or the recipient and the robotic technology assists the caregiver in the moving of the patient.

Self-reliance support robots can assist the elderly, even those who live alone, in being more mobile and in moving from the bed to the chair or a restroom. This technology could empower them to be able to perform everyday tasks. The motors in this assistive robot provides only the power necessary to assist the patient – it helps assure that the resident uses as much of his own muscle strength to help prevent both strain and atrophy.

If you manufacture assist robots, Universe Kogaku can provide the optical lenses for robotica applications. Our lens application engineers can help custom design the optimal lens solution. We’ll assist you with all of your design considerations—from lens assembly and overall design specifications to budgets and timetables.