High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design
Safety Enhanced Through The Use of CCTV Cameras
High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.
CCTV Cameras
CCTV cameras have been in use since the early 1960s when they were put into practice for security in New York City. The theory behind these cameras is that they can be used to thwart crime and if that wasn’t possible, then being able to catch those who perpetrated it could be enhanced through the images captured.
Even though CCTV cameras are prevalent, a recent survey shows that less than 5% of all recorded criminal activity is resolved through the viewing of the tapes. As a deterrent though, their effectiveness can’t be disputed as it’s been shown that having CCTV cameras in taxi cabs have decreased violent acts against the drivers. The cameras are also especially useful in hazardous areas of processing plants or nuclear reactor facilities to monitor areas that would be too dangerous for humans to spend too much time in. The cameras can monitor computer screens and other activity in these hazardous areas.
Consider too, that CCTV cameras are found around the globe and are used not only by law enforcement to track and monitor vehicle traffic flow but for use by GPS providers to send information to your tracking device. GPS service providers need real-time up to the minute information to provide accurate information to the drivers that rely on them to get them from Point A to Point B.
Because technologies have allowed for these devices to now be wireless and equipped with long-lasting batteries, they are able to be placed and simply monitored from remote locations. Their wireless connectivity also makes it easy to move the cameras from place to place when the need arises.
Homeowners are also able to afford the CCTV technology as a way to enhance the safety and security of their homes. These surveillance cameras are practical and effective for homeowners to protect their homes whether they’re inside them or away. The CCTV cameras can reduce the possibility of property damage or loss through theft.
CCTV camera technology continues to improve, but continue to be affordable for individuals and business owners as well as law enforcement. These cameras can be as visible as you’d like or can be hidden as a way to discreetly monitor specific areas of a home, business or parking lot.
The versatility of CCTV cameras is limited by the imagination and the security niche that needs to be fulfilled.