How to Read Distortion Tables: Optical vs. TV Distortion
“Distortion” might be the most widely misunderstood, or misused, word when it comes to optics. Many people will use “distortion” to refer to any aberration or error in a photographed image. […]
Mechanical Inspection Imaging Improves Processes
When you want to maximize the potential of mechanical inspection, consider the vast capabilities of thermal imaging. Thermal imaging is a cutting-edge technology that can help you see things otherwise hidden from view. That makes [...]
Increasing Military Safety: Optics In Defense
Defense applications are more demanding than any other type. That’s why mission components require durability and stable functionality above all else. Defense professionals cannot afford mission failure, or the consequences will be substantial. Therefore, optical [...]
Camera Lenses For Space Exploration
One of the most critical devices for space exploration is the camera lens. Camera lenses allow research missions to take pictures and videos of their surroundings, which is invaluable for scientific research and public outreach. [...]
Drones At Work: Part 2 — Surveying & Mapping
Drones At Work: Part 2 — Surveying & Mapping Part 1 of “Drones at Work” focused on drones in the agriculture industry. We learned about how drones are constantly proving to be excellent commercial resources [...]
Underwater Robot Completes Sampling Operation
The first ever automated underwater robot has now completed its first operation, diving down 500 meters and collecting a sample. The robot, named Nereid Under Ice (NEI), was development in partnership with The Woods Hole [...]
A Guide To Hand Lenses
Hand lenses are utilized in many industries including jewelry but they also serve the earth science fields as a great tool to view objects at a magnified scale, on site and without the bulkiness of [...]
3D Simulations Of Black Hole Dynamics
In the past, 3D simulations of black hole dynamics have modelled plasma made of electrons and positrons as a continuum. Recently, and for the first time, a team of astrophysicists have calculated how individual particles [...]
What Is An Optical Beam Expander?
An optical beam expander (also known as a collimator or up-collimator) is a two, or more, element optical system that changes the divergence characteristics and the size of the beam. They take a beam of light [...]
High-Resolution Lens Assemblies
UKA specializes in designing and manufacturing high quality, precision lenses. We have several high-resolution lens assemblies from which you can choose depending on the specific parameters that would be the most suitable to meet the [...]
Laser Technology Advancements
Imagine knowing enough about Earth’s atmosphere to predict climate trends, or knowing enough about a hurricane to get the right people evacuated. Consider a time when advances in medical procedures retire the scalpel to the [...]
How Lenses Are Designed
Lenses can be found in objects that range from microscopes, lasers and other pieces of medical equipment, in the automobile industry for sensors and in self-driving vehicles and for security equipment. What is optical [...]
Thin Lens Captures Colors
Researchers from the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a flat, ultra thin lens that is made from light-concentrating silicon antennas and a glass substrate. This lens is capable of color [...]
How To Choose A Lens Manufacturer
Choosing the correct lens manufacturer is crucial to your company receiving the lens necessary for the tasks it performs. Whether you’re in the medical, optical or any field in between that utilizes lenses, take your [...]
What Is Polarization?
Optical applications, in many instances, require an understanding of the manipulation of polarization of light. In optical design, many times the focus is on intensity of light and wavelengths while at the same time [...]
Optical Design And Optical System Integration
The optic lens manufacturers from UKA Optics field the question several times, “What is optical design?” They also work with potential customers and explain how optical design connects with all other optics areas, optical [...]
The Art Of Creating Custom Lenses
The manufacture of lenses is a precise art and UKA Optics creates custom lenses that encompass all measurements and testing applications for many industries, medical, scientific, and military applications and more. As background to the [...]
What Is A Band Pass Filter?
Bottom line, a band pass filter is “an electronic circuit or device that allows signals to pass between two frequencies.” This device will be able to discriminate and separate signals of different frequencies other than [...]
What Are Optics and Photonics?
The lens manufacturing specialists from UKA Optics know that not everyone understands the role that optics and photonics play in everyday life and in medical and technical settings. It is their job to understand [...]