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The Importance of CCTV Cameras In Day Care Settings
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CCTV Cameras
Parents who leave their children in the care of others in a day care setting want to rest assured they will be cared for in a safe and secure manner; because of that many day care centers have taken to installing security and surveillance cameras.
In day cares and in school settings, those in charge of the welfare of the children take security and safety seriously. One way security is being enhanced is through the installation of CCTV cameras. These cameras give parents and facility operators a heightened sense of security. CCTV cameras monitor activity both inside and outside through video monitoring equipment. With this equipment, the day care providers can monitor both the children and the child care providers. These cameras monitor anything from a child falling down and getting injured to an abduction, or any inappropriate interactions.
Video surveillance provides a way for the activity to be monitored both on and off site either in real time or through the viewing of recorded footage. When you consider that video surveillance is pervasive in our daily lives, it only makes sense that daycare providers would be installing CCTV (close circuit television) camera security systems.
In addition to real time video surveillance of the children, the footage can be viewed via remote sites through live camera feeds transmitted through an Internet connection. What does this mean for the parent? They could be offered a log in to a secure system in which they could view the onsite activity (in real time) and this offers peace of mind to parents that worry about leaving their child in the care of others, regardless of how well they researched the daycare center before they committed to leaving their children there. Daycare center providers that offer this service to parents may find they have more business than they can keep up with! Parents appreciate being able to see their child playing and enjoying his or her day and this provides peace of mind.
Remote surveillance also provides heightened security for the owners of the daycare who may be operating more than one site and may not be able to be in the physical site on a daily basis. The ability to remotely view the activities ensures the safety of the children and the adults who work there as well.
Because the price of CCTV camera technology is decreasing while the technology and image capture is increasing they are becoming devices that are being used in more sites than ever before.