Universe Develops Ruggedized Lens Assemblies For Extreme Durability RequirementsUniverse Kogaku (America), Inc., a leading manufacturer of lens assemblies and elements, has developed a new line of ruggedized lens assemblies for use in applications demanding extreme durability, high resolution, and field flatness. The ruggedized lens assemblies feature compact, all-aluminum barrel construction, 6 element, all-glass lens design, and 43.3mm sensor coverage. Model P/N EL-50 is a 50mm F/2.8-16 lens assembly, 35mm long x 42mm diameter. It features a 6 leaf adjustable iris with locking screw, and an M39 x P=1.0 “Leica” mounting thread. Model P/N EL-50S is a 50mm F/2.8 fixed iris lens assembly, 36mm long x 40mm diameter, with a selection of alternative fixed apertures. Universe’s technical support, value-added services, custom design and prototyping capabilities accommodate any application or specification criteria. |